February 11, 2022
Extended make commands in laravel

I have created a Laravel package that adds new make commands to your app.
You can install the package via composer
composer require --dev xammie/make-commands
After you have installed it the following commands will be available.
Create a action class in app/Actions
php artisan make:action CreateUserAction
Create an enum in app/Enums
php artisan make:enum OrderStatusEnum
Create a service class in app/Services
php artisan make:service PaymentService
Create a contract interface in app/Contracts
php artisan make:contract CreatesUserContract
Create a dto class in app/Dtos
php artisan make:dto RestRequestObject
These commands can be useful if you use these kinds of classes in your Laravel app.
Changing the stubs
Sometimes its useful to alter the content of the stubs. This is also possible with make-commands. You can publish that stubs with the following command.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="make-commands-stubs"
It will copy the stub files into /stubs
You could for example make the action class invokable instead of having a handle method.
<?php namespace {{ namespace }}; class {{ class }} { public function __invoke() { // } }